Hello there :)
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Sorry for the not so great photo. |
So this is all I got, a total of six things.
As I mentioned in a previous post I am going to be perming my hair soon, my mother is a licensed cosmotologist so she's going to be doing it instead of me getting it done at a salon. I got Quantum 5 perming solution, from what I picked up bewtween my mom and the lady at sallys its supposed to produce normal curls and a normal hold. Honestly I don't have much of a clue as to what that means other then the curls won't be extra loose or extra tight. We couldn't decide on the rods to get; we were going to get those bendy rods but then my mom came up with the idea to try a pin curl perm and I was all for it, I love the way pin curls look, but for pin curls you either use metal aligator clips or bobby pins, so we had to pick up some plastic double prong clips to hold to curls down, we got two packs but we have to get more, they only had two packs in stock. After I perm my hair I'm going to do a post on all the fun stuff as to the time, the products, how my hair came out, and so on.
Of course I couldn't go to Sallys without picking up a bottle or two of nail polish. The Finger Paints was reduced so I couldn't pass that up and I have yet to give them a try so I'll probably feature one of these polishes in next Mani Monday, and if its the Finger Paints one I'll let you know my first impressions on it.
I don't know how well you can read that but the color is in Go Van Gogh! Its a pretty green, I'd say either a kelly green or forest green, it's a medium/dark blue based green. I'll probably toss it in with my fall and winter polishes after giving it a try.
Next one is Re-Fresh Mint, I needed a new mint polish, so I picked up this one, plus I have been eying this polish up for a while now, this is just a typical mint, in the bottle it looks to be a light mint thats more on the white side if that makes sense; it's not a in your face mint, more of a muted mint.
Lastly is For Audrey, pretty well known China Glaze polish, they have been out of this the last few times I was at Sallys so I hadn't gotten it til now. This is similar to a Tiffany blue, so in other words and nice mid toned muted blue with light hints of green, I hope that was a good description of this shade. Honestly I don't know why I picked up three green or greenish polishes, its honestly quite strange even to me.
Thanks for reading, please leave any request below!
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