Happy Easter, today I did something light and simple. I Incorporated color in for spring and Easter by using a light purple on the lid and some pale pink on the inner corner.
Products used: Avon Eight in One palette in Water Colors, pale pink and the two purple shades Maybelline single in Made for Mocha Coastal Scents 42 Double Matte palette, white and mid tone brown Urban Decay Primer Potion Eden ELF Liquid Eyeliner L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes mascara Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender mascara
I used a matte mid tone brown through my crease and then a matte dark brown in my outer v, I put a satin light purple all over the lid and a little bit of a shimmery darker purple on the outer lid. I highlighted under the brow with a matte white and the inner corner with a satin pink. I did a fairly thin line of liquid liner on the top lash line. I used the dark brown on the outer lower lash line and the light purple on the inner, I blended the two together with the mid tone brown. I applied my mascara, length and then volume. I of course primed my lid before doing all of this.
I paired this with a pale pink lip and cheek. I also contoured and highlighted like I normally do. Personally I love this look and will probably recreate throughout spring and summer, even trying with different colors. I uploaded an Easter NOTD today too, you can check that out here.
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I have a Mani Monday coming up tomorrow, although it's on what I had on my nails last week but I just painted my nails for Easter, it's like midnight on Saturday, well Sunday now. But I wanted to share my Easter nails with you, I mainly stuck with pastels and then added white polka dots, I personally think it's super cute and looks like little Easter eggs. I also uploaded an Easter ETOD, which you can check out here.
Colors used: China Glaze Fade Into Hue, blue China Glaze Tart-y for the Party, purple China Glaze Re-fresh Mint, mint China Glaze Peachy Keen, peach Sinful Colors Beautiful Girls, pink Sally Hansen White Out, white
I used Sally Hansen Insta-Dri top coat, I did these pretty fast and my whites starting to get goopy so they did come out a little messy, but I think that just adds to them and makes them look cuter, I added the dots randomly too and the colors aren't on any finger for a reason, in fact both hands are different.
Happy Easter!
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I'm a little late on that, no surprise seeing how much I have blogged in the past three months. I got this box in the beginning of March, I love Influenster, I think it's a great site and who doesn't love to receive free samples. In this box I got a Not Your Mothers Beach Babe texturizing sea salt spray, Olay Fresh Effects Va-Va-Vivid! Powered Contour Cleansing System which comes with a sample of Shine, Shine Go Away! Shine Minimizing Cleanser, Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response deodorant in Serene Citrus, and a Skinnygirl Daily On-the-Go bar in coco-nut with peanut butter.
I really liked the Beach Babe spray, it added nice beachy waves to my hair, it is also pretty affordable, I do prefer to make my own sea salt spray though so I probably won't repurchase this unless I get lazy. It actually does have sea salt in it, which is nice and it doesn't have a ton of ingredients. The name and bottle are quite cute too! I do recommend this to any one who doesn't want to make their own sea salt spray.
The contour cleansing system is really great, I wouldn't say it's as good as a Clarisonic but it is nice and pretty cheap also. It really doesn't exfoliate, but I don't think that's the point. It does massage your cleanser into your skin better then your fingers. I liked the cleanser it came with but I really don't think it was anything special and I wouldn't repurchase it, it definitely didn't do anything to prevent or minimize shin for me. It smelled nice and cleaned my skin but that's about it. I use the cleansing system with my normal face wash and like it just as much, and will definitely continue using it and would repurchase the actual system.
Alright the deodorant, I don't wear deodorant everyday, that may sound gross but I don't sweat much and find that when I wear it, it makes me sweat which is strange and defeats the purpose of deodorant in my opinion, I also don't like wearing it after I shave. This smells amazing, its like candy, I don't like the texture of it though, its not a gel or a stick or even a liquid. It weird and wet, feels kind of strange to be honest. I do like the smell a lot though and feel like it last all day and I can smell it throughout the day. It's a nice deodorant but nothing amazing. I stress out easily but I don't get stress sweat so I can't speak for whether it combats stress sweat.
I'm not going to talk much about the on the go bar, I didn't like it, I love coconut but it was gross, maybe you would like it but I didn't and this isn't anything close to a food blog. It was fairly low calorie though so that was nice.
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I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.
Hey, So last week wasn't the best week for me, and therefore I treated myself to a few new nail polishes, personally I feel nothing makes up for a bad week like a few new bottles of nail polish. Usually I only get a few at a time like one to three bottles, this time I went a little overboard. I bought these in two separate days and at three different stores. So lets just jump right into this, starting with drugstore polishes. I just want to apologize about the glare on the photos, glass doesn't photograph well.
From left to right: Sinful Colors: All About You, Lush Life, Beautiful Girl, Easy Over, Rimmel Bare Naked, Sally Hansen Coin Flip and Mighty Mango.
From left to right: China Glaze: Mimosa's Before Mani's, Fancy Pants(more purple in person), Tart-y for the Party, Fade Into Hue, Sunday Funday, and Deviantly Daring. All of these except for Deviantly Daring are from the Avant Garden collection, I suggest checking this collection out if you haven't yet, great spring polishes, but be warned if you see the whole collection you might want to buy them all.
I have been on the hunt for a good dark teal polish that is a creme finish, I can only find medium and light ones that have no shimmer, do you know of any good ones that are under ten dollars?
I just did a Mani Monday post featuring Bare Naked and Coin Flip, if you want to see what those two polishes look like on nails you can check that post out here.
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Hey, These lipsticks are my favorite drugstore lipsticks, I have like 13 of them, not going to lie I intend on collecting them all, or at least all of the Kate Moss ones. These are all the same formula, except for the matte ones, but other then that the normal line and the Kate Moss ones are the same. These lipsticks aren't drying at all, including the matte ones, which is hard to find a non-drying matte lipstick. They don't catch dry skin or fall into the lines on your lips, they go on great. They are supposed to be a long lasting lipstick, but I wouldn't consider them long lasting, they last for around two hours. They have great pigmentation and smell like candy, the matte ones(in the red packaging) smell terrible though, or at least I think they do, but they smell isn't unbearable. They come in a wide selection, although there are more nudes then anything else, but with that being said they have a nude for every skin tone. My personal favorites are the Kate Moss ones in 101(matte), 102(matte), 107(matte), 01, and from the regular Lasting Finish line 006 Pink Blush. I would suggest these to everyone, they have a color for everyone and are affordable, they can be found at most drugstores and range from 4.50$ to 6.00$. They have 37 shades to chose from and are definitely worth a try. My only complaint would be they have a wider selection in the UK and should really just release all the colors they have everywhere because I really would love to be able to get my hands on some of the colors they have over there, but other then that I have no complaint for these lipsticks.
Thanks for reading, please leave any request below! Sorry if this review isn't the best, its been a while since I wrote one and just need to get into the hang of it again.
Hey, I have hazel eyes and personally I prefer green eyes over brown so I am always trying to get my eyes to appear to be more green. I found that taupe shadow really does this for me, I have just been loving looks like this recently, using only three shadows and little to no eyeliner with messy mascara. Typically for these looks I use either taupe, bronze, or a tan and then add in a nice dark warm brown to my outer v and highlight with a champagne. The makeup looks a bit darker in person and my eyes look greener too.
Today, I used a Maybelline single in Tastefully Taupe all over the lid and through the crease, I then put another Maybelline single in Made for Mocha in the outer v and highlighted my inner corner and under the brow with an eyeshadow from a Wet n Wild trio in Walking on Eggshells, the top color. I smudged a bit of the taupe on my lower lash line and on the outer corner I smudged the dark brown. Under my brow and inner corner before I applied eyeshadow I used a Wet n Wild Creme Shadow Pencil in Pixie and Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden. This has been my go to look all week and it will probably be my most worn look this summer. For mascara I used Avon Astonishing Mascara in brown/black, I don't think they make this any more. I like to pair this eye look with lots of bronzer, peach blush and either a light pink gloss or a pink gloss.
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Last week I bought a few new nail polishes, I will upload a haul either tomorrow or Thursday, I picked up these two colors: Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro in Bare Naked which is on all of my nails except my ring finger which has Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear in Coin Flip. I generally don't go for colors like this. I love this two paired together, I also have Coin Flip on my toe nails.
Bare Naked is a gorgeous nude with a very subtle shimmer and Coin Flip is a gold with sliver shimmer, it is a metallic. Both are holding up pretty well so far, I painted my nails on Saturday and I have no chips. I used the Sally Hansen Insta-Dri top coat and no base coat. Coin Flip took two coats and Bare Naked took three, but it should work with two my nails are just a bit stained right now. These are both great polishes and the colors would look great with most skin tones.
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So it has been quite some time since I last made a post, this is actually the first of the year, not that good. I have been super busy lately balancing school, boyfriend, friends, and sleep I just haven't really had much time for the Internet at all. But today I had lots of time and I should have more time now then I have been having, since I had time I wanted to share a DIY sea salt spray with you. I personally love messy beach hair, and it is great for the summer and spring, although I rock this all year round.
All you need for this is sea salt and water, I add in conditioner and gel to make it better for my hair and to help hold the waves. Your also going to need some sort of spray bottle.
I add a tablespoon or two of the salt into a cup of water, I use hot water so it dissolves faster but cold works too. Then I add about a tablespoon of both the conditioner and hair gel. I mix this altogether then pour it into my spray bottle. I use this all up in about two weeks to a month, so I really don't know how long this would last but I would say to make a new one monthly.
To use this I just spray it in my hair, sometimes I dampen m hair first, this helps a bit better but I don't always do this then I scrunch up my hair. After that I use the Garnier Surf texturizing paste and scrunch my hair a bit more. After that I hairspray my hair a decent bit and scrunch even more, this doesn't give you a scrunched look it just helps form the waves. Also if you sleep with your hair in braids come morning it will give you even better waves.
I hope this helps you out, I have only tried a few from the drugstore before and find this works just the same if not better. If your not feeling making your own the Not Your Mothers Beach Babe is my favorite drugstore one and its pretty cheap.
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