This face mask is one that I have been doing for quite some time and saw in a magazine years ago, I want to say it was Seventeen but I could be wrong. This is such a simple face mask/scrub; it only requires two ingredients and only take fifteen minutes from start to finish. This really helps with acne and gives you soft skin, and these are things almost everyone already has.
All you need for this is 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and 1/4 cup of milk, organic is best but use what you have. Next just mix the two together and apply to your face, scrub this in circular motions for one to two minutes then let sit on your face for five to ten minutes. After you let it sit on your face rinse it off and wash and tone your face like normal. You can add a tablespoon of olive oil into this if you have dry skin.
Thanks for reading, please leave any request below, and let me know if you try this and how it works for you!
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